CARBON MK II startup sound?

Is there a carbon startup sound?

And how will it sound like? I’d rather go for an iconic and almost hardwired sound form like for example Windows 3.11. So the carbon mobile is all about look feel and also hear…

My first ideas are going in the direction of some fancy space sound that tells everybody „you hold the future in your hands“. Carbon team, do you already have something in mind? To set a impulse from my side what about a nice and rich blues tone scale.


I share the idea of @robotron . A unique start sound is a good brand identifier for smartphones. I still have the NOKIA jingle in my ear today.

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@robotron nice idea… I like ur thought
@HaPe thanks for reminding… now am stuck with that jingle in my head:)

I’ve worked on that topic and made a plan and ideas’ research, and shared them on the old Carbonizes’ platform, I don’t know where to find this old platform archives.

Anyway, one of my ideas was to contact with NASA to get real sounds recorded from space then working to get from those sounds a Start-up and Ringtone symphonies for Carbon Mobile, I remember someone of them told me they already in touch with NASA to get sounds recorded from space! I don’t know what happened then…


Well, how does the universe sound? I guess nobody knows. Even the astronauts who have been there will have primarily heard the sounds of their survival systems. Nevertheless, it’s a nice touch. But it’s a question of feeling what you want to convey and maybe what you can. Kubrik, for example, used classical music motifs in his film, A Space Odyssey, to describe the situation acoustically, for me at least he got it right. Sound doesn’t necessarily have to be real, often a tonal narrative is the better means to create a satisfying feeling.

Nun , wie klingt das Weltall? Ich denke , das weiß niemand. Selbst die Astronauten, die dort waren, werden in erster Linie die Geräusche ihrer Überlebenssysteme wahrgenommen haben. Nichtsdestotrotz ist das ein netter Ansatz. Aber es ist eine Frage des Gefühls, was man rüberbringen will und vielleicht auch kann. Kubrik z.B. hat in seinem Film, Odyssee im Weltraum, klassische Musikmotive genutzt um die Situation akustisch zu beschreiben, für mich zumindest hat er es gut getroffen. Klang muß nicht zwingend real sein, oft ist eine klangliche Erzählung das bessere Mittel ein befriedigendes Gefühl zu ermöglichen.

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Hi, I just listened to the sondtrack of “A space Odyssey” they are very cool but slightliy to dark for me. But nevertheless spacey. You inspired me to revisit these nice hand made sound tracks from Dune, Bladerunner and Tron… But no acceptable suggestion till now.

The Proposal here: lets put our heads together and post most promising candidates. And surprise our community, who likes to join?

To the topic of @ZataarW there is a project at the Planetatium Hamburg created by Dr. Mariana Wagner (Sound of Space - YouTube 2min).
Maybe we could get the help of @firascarbonizer or @jamie to restore the information of the previous forum.

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I suggest a competition: Find/develop a jingle as startup melody.
Conditions: low or no license cost. (it makes no sense to me to add unnecessary cost to the development/production cost.

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Hi yeah I like to do the suggested competion.

A general remark form a first research on how to alter the startup sound/screen on a Android device. This is in most case part of the branding and root privilegs are needed to remove/alter this startup. @firascarbonizer or @jamie will you brand the Carbon?

Vielleicht haben wir ja den ein oder anderen unter uns " Foundern" der sowas kann. Bitte traut Euch, macht Vorschläge, keine Angst niemand wird verlacht.

Maybe we have one or the other among us “founders” who can do something like this. Please be brave, make suggestions, don’t worry, nobody will be ridiculed.

Hi people! I am very glad that my innocent suggestion seems to bear fruit.
Just to counter any possible remark: I am neither enough of an artist nor an Android programmer to do myself what I suggested!
It was just a spontaneous idea that I wrote down here, i. the hope that some able person would take my suggestion and „run with it“:grin:
I am so very much looking/listening forward to hear from you all!

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Just catching up on this.
Really interesting conversation and something we are looking into.
If anyone does have some audio design they want to share then of course let’s hear it!
If you want to watch something on this subject that might interest you, this is a good watch: What does the universe sound like? A musical tour | Matt Russo - YouTube
I don’t think we have a startup sound from this video but it is enjoyable

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Thanks for sharing this video…