CARBON: market price - trend/facts

First of all,cut the price…at least in half.Then improve the internet reception…because it’s atrociously bad.There’s certainly improvements to be made in the operating system department.
A “Carbon” approach wouldn’t hurt.The display could also be improved.
I’m looking at this from a customer point of view.
I don’t like apple/iphone products although my main phone is in fact an iphone.
I think it’s outrageously expensive but as of yet I didn’t come across another cell phone coming close to the quality of an iphone…that’s basically what I meant when I critisized the price of the Carbon phone.
And that regardless of who the seller is.I ordered mine directly from the factory in Germany.And paid the price…in full.
Perhaps you should’ve waited with going on the market with your product…

Well, the market offensive was perhaps a bit too early. Perfect timing - does that even exist? Especially in these times! And with which manufacturer I can actively express my wishes for improvements as here?
Please don’t mix up a start-up with a mega-company which can get in everywhere.

Perhaps other targets such as TV shopping channels should be used in the future, since the price control would be there and these channels would exist worldwide.

I’m sorry about your bad internet condition and that Carbon is the cause. Personally, never problems - not even after changing providers.

Like I said I look at this as a customer,a customer who doesn’t have specialized knowledge about this type of electronic device and frankly doesn’t care about start up or multinational.When I pay a lot of money for a product I expect it to work properly…that’s what I’m interested in.
I like the concept.I like the presentation,and I like the environmental engagement of the company.
I used to travel a lot for work mostly using the cell on other networks outside the U.K and was always looking for a cell with which I can make and receive stable calls.That was obviously before the covid shit hit the fan…British mobile networks,at least within London,are in comparison amongst the worst of any country I used to live in (Spain,Morocco,Netherlands,France,Thailand) and travel to for gigs on a more or less regular basis (U.S.A,Switzerland,Russia,Montenegro,Dubai).
Perhaps the reason for call dropping has also to do with dodgy networks?
I’m not saying it’s a bad phone.
What I’m saying is carbon should’ve waited longer and tested more before getting it out on an unforgiving market full of opinionated pendejo’s like me.
I do understand that it’s hard to compete with the likes of Samsung and iphone.They have massive organizations behind them and even they fuck up big time.
I mean look at the iphone…an outrageously over priced product and on top of that there ain’t any noticeable change from one model to another.
They know how to lure customers into buying a new model every year.Although I think it’s pointless to get a new phone every year because they slowly “evolve” and there’s no significant improvement…except for the fact that specially in the case of the iphone it’s more expensive than the model from the year before.
They got one thing right though.
And that’s in my opinion,the sound.And once connected to the internet it’s stable.It’s rare a call drops and when it does I don’t even get reception on any other of my phones.
That doesn’t warrant the price but it’s simply an advantage.
I own a “Lumigon” (Went outta business years ago),they also use B&O speakers in their phones to the same effect.Excellent audio quality.
Another reason for me buying a carbon is that I want to support an innovative,young company with people who stand for something and have a different approach.
A company based in Europe.
My motive for purchasing a carbon is clearly not only the phone in itself.
“Aller anfang ist schwer” I think is a German expression…absolutely…


Respect, for your very open statement.

For my small hands, the lightweight + size is perfect to whirl around as I saw it and still black (well grey) - love at first view - unbelievable German - super interesting - away from the Asians! But it wasn’t available at that time. I think 1 ½ year later it starts – first: news communication and sharing progress, it was worth keeping up…

Also depends on the self-assessment and needs of the individual – I think.

I expect a lot of improvements and in the way of a product-/sales presentation so that CARBON becomes marketable again with the new model. Best wishes to the CARBON team for the new journey.

I have already used the device several times for business/private trips around the world (toi, toi, toi - without any problems). It’s probably the same for almost everyone - we “customers” don’t have expert status with this object.

By the way: yes, that’s the saying “All beginnings are difficult”.

Sorry for those who have to travel to earn money.

Es geht weiter runter mit dem Preis …
Also wer noch eins möchte. Vielleicht telefoniert es sich mit zwei Carbon Handys einfach besser. :joy:

Oh, oh - was für ein Schlamassel!
Das ist sehr traurig wie es gerade läuft und viel schlimmer noch, es mitansehen zu müssen.

Oh, oh - what a mess!
It’s a tragedy how the way it’s going and much more horrible to have to watch it.

Nun ja, ich musste von meinem geliebten KAZAM Tornado 348 via eines SONY X compact auf das Carbon umsteigen. Meines ist noch in einem TOP-Zustand, aber ich benutze es auch kaum. Sollte die Firma pleite gehen, so habe ich jedenfalls ein schönes Phone, welches ich noch eine Ewigkeit benutzen kann. Genau genommen bis zur Abschaltung von G4. Der Akku ist garantiert chinesische Massenware und wie man ein geklebtes Smartphone öffnet, repariert und wieder zuklebt, das weiß ich.

Es ist mir inzwischen einmal vom Tisch gefallen. Das Display des Sony X5 compact war danach im Eimer. Das Carbon hat es überlebt.

Ich bin jahrelang TVR-Griffith gefahren …


Schönheit und Exclusivität gehen bei mir zumindest eben manchmal vor. Sonst hätte ich mir für das gleiche Geld einen Porsche 993 gekauft.


Ich hoffe, dass es mit Carbon weitergeht. Befürchte aber leider auch das Schlimmste. Also werde ich auf meines besonders gut aufpassen und es hegen und pflegen. Aber am Ende ist es eben doch bloß ein Smartphone, so wie auch der TVR Griffith letztlich nur ein Auto war. Und nach ein paar Jahren tun Veränderungen manchmal auch ganz gut. Wer weiß schon, was da in Sachen Smartphones noch so auf uns zukommt…

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Gerade in Chip gelesen

Price seems to fall week by week

What’s the status of the investment round and could you buy back a part of the stock left ? What else is going on at carbon regarding updates, improvements, developments, products ?

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Question: How many pieces are still flying around and with whom? Do you have actually an overview of the current situation?

It’s a disaster not only for CARBON. For us it is not nice to see again and again new junk prices. Damage control – where? Not noticeable to me.

amazon: - 76% (799,-) = 189,97 € ( - Verweis: amazon)

… this is the End of the Carbon Phone Story :+1:

Carbon MkII is of course a first device of an innovating sustainable company with a vision.
We can not blame Carbon because the reality of the market asks only a profit.
On another hand, another reality was the launch of an outdated innovating device, technologically outdated. Please don’t understand me wrongly, the contradiction, is here.
The “Wow” of the Carbon resides mainly on the Carbon fiber concept, the sustainability, the circular economy, not, for different reasons, the outdated components used.
I’m pretty sure, the MKIII will deliver its promises…let’s the story continues…


They are 2 different shoes - we are not talking about the great CARBON team performances - we speak about:
Loss control (is marketing/sales responsibility) and damage to the company’s image.
Living and developing visions with available products integrated in a new material mix and flat style is development/technology.

Of course latina-007, but I’m not sure the Carbon image has been damaged.
The device characteristics, without the Hyrecm technology and Carbon fiber, today in 2022, is a low/mid end device.
No 5G or eSim, not the latest processor,… Amazon had to sell their stocks as soon as possible, they know the reality of the market, they know that a lot new 5G devices are and will be launched at a first price of 250€ for example.

Lessons learned, Carbon Mobile will launch a mature next device.
They don’t need to give up!

Well, let`s hope so. I am still ok with mine. When i need to take better photos, i use my Huawei P30 Lite. And 5G is absolutely not necessary for me.

I agree with you Llau, when the focus is on this, which was not the early main goal of CARBON.

I will cross my fingers for the CARBON crew that everything goes as well as before or much better. Hioe you, too.

Let’s hope that in the market + end customers not too much will be remembered, especially if another CARBON product is launched. Well, let’s forget about the opening series. Concentrate on the new device, which should have very big improvements to be well in the race again. - But the first priority is to get rid of our current first owners’ problems. :wink:

The true problem of the CARBON are not the flalig prices or not to have the latest chips it is just the basics: poor manufacturing quality and non existing support. @firascarbonizer You can spend all your and your investors money to develop products and create a brand but you will loose them all with this kind of handling customers. I’m really disappointed by the hughe difference between the promises and the reality. For my needs the hardware is ok and the price is ok for me to support such a great idea but it is not ok to leave me out in the rain with the product problems.

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I agree with you, that (strong) support by phone is still missing.
Downloads very quick and movie quality is also ok etc.

The new year is still fresh, but the the fairs are coming soon (Barcelona:GSMA MWC 28.02.).

It is pity - I love this phone and now this terrible situation and Android 11 trouble.

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