ANDROID 11 - Latest News



Super solved with the SWICH OFF-function. Latina no longer twists her hand and can elegantly click on the large buttons. However, it happens that the off button moves one position to the right there shows a harmless button LOCK.

CAMERA impresses with the added user-friendliness and has been further pepped up. The “BEAUTY function” is very useful for every photo layman. - Small weakness has occurred to me – photo: sky too blue – changed only a few meters the location.

tannbaum1 - ok tannenb1 - zu blau

Actually, great idea with the loading information when the device is active - at the bottom of the LOCK SCREEN display. At the first, the information is somehow not correct - second also (see photos).

2 - lad-infox
3 - ladex

turn off automatically – more option possibilities - good idea
presenting the font/display size with -/+ - nice solution


TELEPHONE: connection very bad - noisy and sounds distorted (on both sides).

APP info/activity texts - unfortunately some of them in English and not in the selected language (big obstacle: who does not know English / product imperfection).

new BATTERY display is disaster when device is off. It does not show the charge level. Only at 100% comes the usual blue display when pressing the power button. -
I wish the old blue battery display completely back!

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Will there be a panorama mode available for the camera with the next update ?

Good morning and hoary new year to everyone here…
I need some important help,
because I cannot unlock my Carbon anymore:-(
I really forgot the PIN to unlock the home screen (not the sim)
Who is able to help me??

maybe this can help:


Wow! thank you very much! It just worked immediately :slight_smile:

Ich habe mir das Carbon vor wenigen Tagen geholt und gleich das Android 11 Update darauf gemacht. Man kann mit dem Telefon kaum telefonieren: Bei mir ist es bei maximaler Lautstärke immer noch recht leise, die Lautsprecherfunktion macht den Ton kaum lauter. Beim Gegenüber knackst es und man hört sich deutlich doppelt. Scheinbar bestand das Problem schon vor 1 Monat wenn ich hier in den Beiträgen lese. Liegt das Problem am Android Update, an den Lautsprechern oder etwas anderem? Wird es und wann bzw. wie schnell wird es behoben? Ich fühle mich gezwungen, das Telefon zurückzuschicken, falls das Telefonieren so schlecht bleibt.

Außerdem ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Kamera sobald es etwas dunkel wird, sehr unscharf in der Vorschau ist (wobei die Hälfte der Bilder dann tatsächlich scharf ist, wenn man geklickt hat, aber eben unscharf in der Vorschau). Wird hier noch etwas gemacht? Ist das generell ein Problem?

[I got the Carbon a few days ago and immediately did the Android 11 update on it. You can hardly make calls with the phone: It is still quite quiet for me at maximum volume, and the speaker function hardly makes the sound louder. The other party crackles and you can clearly hear each other twice. Apparently, the problem existed 1 month ago as I read in the posts. Is there a problem with the Android update, the speakers, or something else? Will it be fixed and when or how soon? I feel compelled to send the phone back if the calling remains this bad.

Also, I’ve noticed that as soon as it gets a little dark, the camera is very blurry in the preview (although half the pictures are actually sharp when you click, but just blurry in the preview). Is something else being done here? Is this a problem in general?]

Ich habe die gleichen Probleme mit dem Handy und bin auch enttäuscht. Wenn du das Telefon täglich nutzt und keine Alternative hast, dann würde ich es zurück schicken und ein besseres kaufen. Der Hersteller hat meiner Meinung nach sein Gewinn für das Telefon mittlerweile eingefahren und ist an einer schnellen Lösung für die doch sehr gravierenden Fehler kaum noch interessiert. Das Telefon ist “Born in Germany” und wir Käufer sollen uns in englischer Sprache gestikulieren ??? Warum eigentlich ? Das ist schon sehr absurd, wie ich finde. Wenn man mittlerweile die vielen Rezessionen überall im Internet oder auf YouTube liest, wundert es einen kaum, das der Preis immer weiter in den Keller geht.

Hello all,
@Alex we didn’t make profit… we made some revenue, but at loss.
we are working now an investment round for Carbon Mobile, to extend our team and support.

Regarding the Audio echo issue with Android 11, we are working closely with engineers, ODM and MediaTek to resolve the issue in the next update.
We are not giving on you all.
Also, the team, investors, partners and myself are using Carbon smartphone, so any general issue is affecting us all.

This community and all Carbonizers mean a lot to me and the team.
And we are not giving up on you.


Hello Firas,
Thanks you will solve the audio problem in the next update. Please also remember to include a possibility of additional volume increase for people with hearing problems.
Thank you so much.

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Wann wird das nächste Update voraussichtlich sein? Ich höre von meinen Telefonkontakten nur Unzufriedenheit auf der anderen Seite und möchte das anderen nicht lange zumuten + die geringe Lautstärke auf meiner Seite - wird da auch etwas gemacht?
Und auf das Kameraproblem wurde nicht eingegangen - besteht da denn Interesse, dass das gelöst wird?

Hallo@alle, ich habe die selben Probleme mit meinem 3. Carbon! Telefonieren ist praktisch seit dem Update nicht mehr möglich, da keiner versteht was ich sage. Außerdem ist die Lautstärke beim telefonieren zu gering obwohl sie voll aufgedreht ist. Das Display reagiert bei mir übersensibel und die Kameraqualität , so habe ich den Eindruck, ist ebenfalls nicht mehr so gut wie vor Android 11.
Wann rechnet ihr mit dem Update zur Fehlerbehebung.

Schon jetzt vielen Dank dafür
viele Grüße


Hello there,

Are there any news about a bug fixing update? If there is no actual timeline it would be nice if we can perform a rollback to the latest stable Android 10 version.

Maybe you should try to involve the community to develop on the OS. I am a big fan of LineageOS but I am no Android developer (yet!).

I really like the phone and it would be too sad if it just ends here. I think you should go open source and push the process in this way.

Really happy with my Carbon (except speaker and micro-issurs) -
Stephan :slight_smile:


Can we have an update about the ‘echo’ issue with the audio? Also the sound of the ringtone is too soft (it becomes muted after the first second).
So i am missing calls, and when i do answer a call i am almost inaudible to the person on the other end of the line.
As a workaround i am using headphones, but this really is a pain, more then a month has passed since these issues first were being reported, but the only answer i found in this forum is that it is being worked on and be resolved in the next update… For me it is very important that these issues have to be fixed to make this phone usable. This is certainly not the ‘high end’ experience i thought i was getting from Carbon mobile. Kind Regards Harold

CAMERA - new style new features since ANDROID 11

Finally, concerts of superlatives again (Frankfurt - front stage 2nd row)
and CARBON in the permanent stress test.

Painfully, a total loser for such events, however video was a little better in visual quality - sound quality also falls short. (I was very angry + frustrated +… as many things had developed positively in terms of quality). Fortunately, I can connect business + same concert in BCN for camera + VIP.

noticeable since ANDROID 11:
Permanent trouble reading QR-/BAR-codes.
(no matter if flight ticket or subway ticket or other registration cards / no matter in which country I am).

Will ANDROID 12 be able to solve these difficulties or is there any possibility to return to 10?

Hello, I’m not able to update to android 11 and seem to be stuck at 10. Did carbon retract the version 11 because of bugs or is my software update stuck?

Guten Morgen

Bei mir das selbe, kein Update verfügbar oder die Meldung in ROT das der Server nicht verfügbar ist. Ab und an kommt die Meldung das ich am 01.01.1970 die letzten Updates gesucht habe. Vom Support keine Antwort und telefonisch keine erreichbarkeit.

As I have said before, do not underestimate the impact of the software on the overall quality-impression with customers! So, I suggest two teams:
Team 1: Hardware development
Team 2: Software development.
Their output - at different times - will make delays, development times seem shorter.
And yes, in a way, Alex is right: Do not clam up! You must communicate!
At the beginning of a product‘s life cycle, marketing is very important!
Either you have something to tell your customers about (new) features, or you tell them about your difficulties, efforts, projects,… All your founder members are aware that a product development needs time, sometimes more than anticipated. So, the least you can do is let the founder members participate in your work.



So, does this mean googlefi should work as a phone service with CarbonMobile??

Any and all help is very much appreciated,


Salut, elles sont où les mises à jour Android ?